why is it, that a woman can have a late-term abortion, and justify it, on the grounds that, it’s not a viable human, and the supreme court agrees? If I have a few beers, and cause a pregnant woman to wreck, killing her and her unborn baby, I get charged with two counts of vehicular homicide?
Why is it, that anytime a man tries to discuss abortion, with a pro-choice woman, her first response is, “no MAN is going to tell me what I can and cant do with my body!”? Let’s take that a step farther, why do we never see Ashley Judd or Madonna, marching on Washington, demanding that prostitution be legalized? isn’t that just MEN telling them what they can do with their bodies?
Woman: “prostitution is just gross, and immoral!”
Man: “now you’re just judging, if you really believe that “NO MAN” has the right to tell you what you can and can’t do with your body, shouldn’t you be fighting for that too?”
The man goes to jail for manslaughter because he was wreckless, obviously! I’m guilty of the “no vagina no voice” when in actuality in my opinion doesn’t matter who is lecturing, I’m pro-choice, I think it should be my choice. It all comes down to double standards…which and how many lawmakers/supreme Court justices had pregnant mistresses at the time of Roe v Wade??? It’s all about who is in the seat, able to pass judgement. It always has been, always will be.
And Ashley Judd and Madonna are skanks They thought a woman deserved to be POTUS and all their money didn’t buy their victory.
Sorry in advance for my lengthy basically off topic offering of my opinion. I definitely don’t consider myself a feminist. I’ll just pick one topic out of your list, but overall my philosophy comes down to be responsible for what you do. You should be responsible for what you do with your body. If you’re going to have unprotected sex, male or female you are entering into a unwritten contract with another person to be responsible for the outcome. The outcome could be a child. If one wants it and one doesn’t then that definitely complicates matters. Been there done that. I believe there is no easy answer but the fact remains, they had the choice before they had sex to partake or not. Unless you’re not mentally capable of understanding the possible outcome then you should face before you have sex that if you don’t want to have children then you should not take that chance. If you do anyway then you have to face the consequences. For a man who does want that child, even more complicated because it affects the woman’s life tremendously and if the woman does not want the child then you are facing a lot of dilemmas…whether the woman would have a safe pregnancy, if it would affect their ability to make a living, what would be their role in the child’s life, as well as would they take care of themselves while they are pregnant with a child they don’t want. As for women, same thing, you may end up with an unwilling partner to help raise that child and in the crazy world we live in there are men who will kill to rid themselves of this burden. The problems even exist inside marriage when one wants the child and one doesn’t. Sadly children themselves end up baring a large brunt of the pain from these lifelong decisions made in the heat of the moment. Then of course there’s the option of abortion. I imagine some women go on to never look back but I imagine more are probably haunted with guilt about it. Men probably have much the same feelings. But there is a degree of distance from the issue because it is happening outside their body. Which I’m sure also can be a cause for much frustration as well. Lack of control of the situation that involves their possible offspring. But a woman has the ultimate responsibility to give or take the life of the unborn because in fact it is a part of her body in order for the pregnancy to end or progress to life. Is it fair? It is what it is. The only fair thing is to make that decision before you start that process. After that plan on complicated if there is more than one person involved.
nobody has a comment on this? or, is everybody afraid of it?
Hmmmm! A very similar conversation here the other day. It wasn’t about abortion, but still about what a woman can do with her own body.
it must be Friday night, because everybody is dancing………dancing around the question, that is.
Ashley Judd and Madonna (and or Hi-liar-y …the so-called champion for womens rights)are not fit to represent any women’s rights. I damn sure don’t want them on my side for any women’s issues.
I whole heartedly agree Connie!!
Good points you make. Maybe there isn’t a fight about prostitution because they are making money for being told what to do with their body?
There are too many opinions and/or definitions of “viable human being”. I’ve seen babies born and survive at 24 weeks. So if that baby is in the NICU and get killed, would the murderer not be charged because it wasn’t a viable human being? Being alive for 24 weeks inside or outside womb is a LIFE. So first the definition of viable human being needs to be determined. But that will never have agreement just like the opinion on abortion will never be one sided.